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                                                      Welcome to e-bulletin for 11th July 2024

Sunday Service Plan: July

14th July
7th Sunday after Trinity
Ephesians 1:3-14; Mark 6:14-29
10:30am Bawdeswell* The ’10:30’
10:30am Wood Norton Holy Communion
10:30am Worthing Holy Communion
10:30am Stibbard Morning Praise
21st July
8th Sunday after Trinity
Ephesians 2:11-end; Mark 6:30-34, 53-end
10:30am Bawdeswell* Holy Communion
10:30am North Elmham Iona Holy Communion
10:30am Foulsham Holy Communion
4:00pm Wood Norton Sung Evensong
28th July
9th Sunday after Trinity
Ephesians 3:14-end; John 6:1-21
9:00am Guist Holy Communion
10:30am Bawdeswell* Word & Praise
10:30am Foulsham Holy Communion
10:30am North Elmham Morning Praise
10:30am Worthing Morning Praise

Zoom Church
*These services will be available on Zoom.
Topic: HON Benefice Sunday act of worship
Time: 10:30am
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 825 4276 0074; Passcode: 823350. 
Wednesdays: 11am, Holy Communion at Foulsham Holy Innocents’.
Pride and Prejudice – Bylaugh Hall, 28th July
Building on past years at Bylaugh Hall, the afternoon is more of a 'festival' occasion. There will be a live band, hog roast, bar and retail stalls, so you can make an afternoon of the event. Gates open at 12:00, performance starts at 2pm. 
Not to be missed, so do get booked up! Tickets are on sale now and can be obtained from www.ticketsource.co.uk. (Just type in Bylaugh and you will be taken to the event details.)
 Our sponsors, Myfuturechoice.com, have once again kindly agreed to underwrite the costs, making this event possible. All proceeds go towards the friends of All Saints Church, Bawdeswell and St Mary's, Bylaugh. 

News from our Parishes
TOMORROW: Wood Norton All Saints’ – Friday 12th July, 12.30-2pm – Café Pew and Pew Mart
Come and join us between 12.30 and 2pm for a light informal lunch in the church with a welcoming mixture of company! If you have surplus garden produce, Pew Mart offers the opportunity to buy or exchange fruit and vegetables or other produce.
There is no charge for these events, but donations towards the upkeep of the church are always welcome.
Please note that there is no Ciné Pew during the summer months and that neither Words and Music nor Café Pew take place during August.
North Elmham St Mary’s: Saturday 20th July, 2pm-4pm
Something different for July’s Music Afternoon at St Mary’s. A concert of European Renaissance and Baroque music by the acclaimed group Musica Mira.

Entry is free; donations to offset costs very welcome!
North Elmham St Mary’s: Saturday 24th August, 7.30pm
We are thrilled to be welcoming back Chaos Collective to St Mary’s – a summer treat for music-lovers. Chaos Collective is a musical ensemble based in Norfolk who love making music. They are gaining a widespread following, having performed this year in Ipswich, Norwich, Wymondham Abbey and other churches and venues across Norfolk.

Tickets £10 in advance or £12 on the door; contact Jenny Cunningham at jennycunningham@mac.com or 01362 668224 to book or for more information.
Church FaceBook pages
Bawdeswell: www.facebook.com/bawdeswell.church
Guist: www.facebook.com/standrewsguist
North Elmham: www.facebook.com/northelmhamchurch
Stibbard: www.facebook.com/Stibbardchurch
Wood Norton: www.facebook.com/allsaintschurchwoodnorton
Worthing: www.facebook.com/StMargaretsChurchworthing/
Heart of Norfolk Benefice: www.facebook.com/heartofnorfolk
Prayer Calendar: 14th July – Seventh Sunday after Trinity
Sunday petitions from the Diocese of Norwich prayer diary are included with the HON prayer calendar.
One of the Heart of Norfolk parishes is included each week.

HON Group: Foulsham
Generous God, you give us gifts and make them grow: though our faith is small as mustard seed, make it grow to your glory and the flourishing of your kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The NATO summit in Washington (9th-11th July).
The Holy Land: the people of Palestine and Israel.
John Scott, Wood Norton. Gwynneth and family.
Eric Miller, Wood Norton Died on Saturday 29th. Please keep his wife Jayne and their family in your prayers.
Muriel Gladwell, North Elmham Funeral, Thursday 25th July, 2pm at Breckland Crematorium.



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