Wednesdays: 10:30am, Holy Communion at Foulsham Holy Innocents’.
Lent Study Group
This Lent, we are following 'Women of Holy Week' by Paula Gooder.
Subtitled 'An Easter journey in nine stories', Gooder's stories are about both real and fictional women, in which she imagines what it might have been like to accompany Jesus in the final week of his life. There are Bible passages and a few questions to prompt reflection and conversation accompanying each story.
All sessions at Elmham Vicarage (48 Holt Road, NR20 5JQ), Wednesdays at 7.30pm on: 26th March; 2nd and 9th April. Mark Burdon is leading Compline at St Mary’s North Elmham at 7pm on Lent Wednesdays – a midweek oasis of prayer and music.
As the stories are 'stand-alone', the book works well for anyone unable to commit to the whole series.
The Bishop’s Lent Appeal 2025
The Bishop’s Lent Appeal 2025 aims to raise money for YANA (You Are Not Alone) to help fund its telephone helpline. YANA provides rural mental health support for those involved in agriculture and other rural businesses in East Anglia.
As well as a confidential helpline, YANA is also investing in mental health training and suicide prevention. In 2023 YANA had a 20% increase in the requests for help made to the helpline.
Any money raised from the Bishop’s Lent Appeal 2025 will go towards funding YANA’s telephone helpline, offering confidential support to those in need. Find out more about YANA:
Proverbial Prattle, 26th March
The monthly ecumenical discussion group on the 4th Wednesday of each month is open to all. The next meeting is on Wednesday 26th March, starting at 2.30pm in Stibbard Methodist Church.
Each month, the group discusses one of the proverbs, reading from different versions of the Bible and comparing how the wording might change the sense of the Proverb and its meaning in our life today. Refreshments are provided and everyone is welcome!
More information from Norman Johnson: or 01362 683344.
A Prayer for Mothering Sunday, 30th March As Mothering Sunday falls on a 5th Sunday this year, we are holding Group services at Bawdeswell and North Elmham (both 10:30am). This prayer card, designed by Susan Moore (Stibbard), will be available to visitors in the Heart of Norfolk group of churches.
Please contact if you would like the prayer card to be sent to your inbox.
Please note, British Summer Time begins on 30th March – don’t forget to move your clocks forward!
'Holy Habitats' – enhancing wildlife in your churchyard
Norfolk Wildlife Trust and the Diocese of Norwich have partnered for over 40 years to run the Churchyard Conservation scheme, providing expert advice to communities who manage their churchyards with wildlife in mind. We would like to start a conversation with you to better understand the key challenges and to offer the right support to help you to enhance the biodiversity of your churchyard. Worthing Churchyard
Three churches are helping to host these 'listening events'. Please book in advance by clicking here.
Tuesday 1st April, 10.30am to 12noon - St. Michael’s Hall, Church Street, Reepham, Norfolk, NR10 4JW
Tuesday 2nd September, 10.30am to 12noon - Great Yarmouth Minster, 24 Church Plain, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR30 1NE
Tuesday 21st October, 10.30am to 12noon - King’s Lynn Minster, Saturday Market Place, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 1DQ
Taizé Prayer – Friday 4th April, 6.30pm, St Luke’s Church, Norwich
Join us for worship in this prayerful, reflective style.
With Br Jean-Marie of the Taizé Community and Bishop Graham Usher.
Revelations Revealed – Friday 25th April, 10.30am All Saints’ Church, Wood Norton
Join us for a talk led by Revd Nicholas Varnon on the mysteries of the Book of Revelation of St John the Divine. The talk will take the format of two 45-minute sessions with a break for refreshments.
If you’re interested in attending, please contact: Neil Primrose,
Pilgrimage to Taizé – 19th-28th July
Bishop Graham is leading a Pilgrimage to Taizé for people aged 18-25, 19th-25th July. The Taizé community is an inter-denominational monastic community with a focus on youth.
Cost: Students and those out of work, £165; Part-time or church associated workers, £275; those in full-time employment, £330. Bursaries are available for those who need additional support. For more information and to book a place, please contact Jeremy Brown at:
News from the Parishes
Bawdeswell All Saints’ – Save our Roof!
All welcome here but NOT the rain!
Please help us to repair our leaky roof and preserve this wonderful building. We need to raise £40,000. Any donation to this project will be gratefully received.
For details on how to donate please contact the treasurer or 01362 688268. All transactions confidential.
TOMORROW: Wood Norton – Cine-Pew… The Screen at All Saints’ Church – Friday 21st March, 7.30pm
The March film is Wicked Little Letters starring Jessie Buckley and Olivia Colman. Set in the 1920’s, the sleepy English seaside town Littlehampton is suddenly electrified by the delivery of anonymous letters full of appalling – if somewhat hilarious - profanities to respectable members of the citizenry. Based on a true story, it became a national scandal!
Doors open at 7pm. Light refreshments; bring your own cushion. There is no charge for this event, although a small donation towards catering and running costs is always appreciated.
Bawdeswell Village Hall – Gala Bingo Night in aid of the Church roof appeal – Saturday 22nd March
Enjoy a fun evening and help to raise vital funds towards Bawdeswell Church roof. Doors open at 7pm, eyes down at 7.30pm. Tickets £10 to include food; contact 01362 688499 for tickets or more information.
Wood Norton All Saints’ Church – Words and Music – Friday 4th April
All are welcome to come along and participate by bringing (or requesting, via Jenny, 01362 684101 or Neil, 01362 684357), a favourite piece of music, or a reading of your choice. If you prefer, just come and enjoy the interesting miscellany that the event always produces. Doors open for cake and coffee – and conversation! - at 10.30.
Worthing St Margaret’s – Lent Brunch in aid of YANA – Sunday 6th April, from 9.30am
A simple brunch with rolls, cheeses, fruit, hot drinks / juices will be served in church. Any kind donation received will be passed on to fund YANA’s telephone helpline, offering confidential support to those in need.
Please note, Brunch follows the 9am service of Holy Communion.
North Elmham: T@2 – Spring Programme
Join us for Afternoon Tea, great company, music and chat. North Elmham Institute, 2-4pm, 9th April, 14th May. Everyone is welcome – please bring a friend and a neighbour.
Wood Norton All Saints’ Church – Café Pew and Pew Mart - Friday 11th April
Come and join us between 12.30 and 2pm for a light informal lunch in the church with a welcoming mixture of company! If you have surplus garden produce, Pew Mart offers the opportunity to buy or exchange fruit and vegetables.
Wood Norton All Saints’ Church – Cine-Pew - Friday 25th April, 7.30pm
This month’s film is Conclave, the dramatization of the Vatican political thriller by Robert Harris. Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes when a new pope is elected? Wonder no more…
Doors open at 7pm; light refreshments; bring your own cushions. There is no charge for this event.
Prayer Calendar: 23rd March – Third Sunday of Lent
HON Group: Guist
Eternal God,
give us insight
to discern your will for us,
to give up what harms us,
and to seek the perfection we are promised
in Jesus Christ our Lord.
follow you, the only God;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Middle East: the people of Palestine, Israel and Syria.
Heart of Norfolk Churches
01362 668850