Before we close the month of May which saw some wonderful Coronation celebrations across our villages, in particular, Worthing’s Bank Holiday Monday was quite buzzing! Being able to welcome over 75 adults and children to drop into St Margaret’s and partake in our Annual Cream Tea Afternoon was stupendous.
Fortunately the rain stayed off for just the right amount of time and the sun came out for a while to allow our visitors to tuck into some scrummy cakes baked locally and also have some fun with our bumper raffle and win prizes.

Your generous donations for which we are so thankful, a total of £412 was raised and this will be put to excellent use adding to the Church Building Appeal for replacement heaters. We have a long way to go, but your continued support and that of our volunteers who help organise such events, is vital, a HUGE thank you to everyone that came and supported us.
No Mow May

These past couple of years we have all been encouraged to hold off mowing our grassed areas to not only encourage the flowers to bloom but also to help our bees, butterflies and other pollinators take full advantage of the natural food on offer.
So hopefully, you have all taken a rest from cutting your lawns, and maybe taken the time to visit our wonderful church yard adorned with an abundance of flora seen mingling around and amongst the headstones of our departed loved ones.
Although, very soon we shall need to cut and maintain our church yard to respect those that lay to rest but also for safe access when taking a walk round.
We hope you are able to make a return visit soon and enjoy the peace and tranquil setting of our Church.

Our normal Sunday Services for June fall on the 11th Holy Communion Service and 25th Iona Service both starting at 10.30am followed by refreshments and a chat with the locals. We hope you are able to join us.