Safeguarding is at the heart of our Christian faith. We are all made unique and in the image of God. Jesus came that we might have life and have it in abundance (see John 10.10).
‘Safeguarding’ means the action the Church takes to promote a safer culture in all our churches. In order to achieve this we need to do a lot of hard work.
- We will promote the welfare of children, young people and adults.
- We will work to prevent abuse from occurring.
- We will seek to protect those who are at risk of being abused and respond well to those who have been abused.
- We will take care to identify where a person may present a risk to others, and offer support to them whilst taking steps to mitigate such risks.
The Church will take appropriate steps to maintain a safer environment for all. In order to do this we must be obedient to Christ who placed a child in the midst of his disciples and encourages us all to be childlike in our faith (see Matthew 18.1-5).
So we must practise fully and positively a ministry to all children, young people and adults, and respond sensitively and compassionately to their needs in order to help keep them safe from harm.
This Parish Handbook aims to further strengthen the Church’s approach to safeguarding by bringing into one place the safeguarding responsibilities for parishes as outlined in the House of Bishops’ Safeguarding Policy and Practice Guidance. It has been designed to support the day-to-day work of all parishes in relation to safeguarding and those who have a key role to play with children, young people and adults who may be vulnerable.
Archbishop Justin Welby